Adah: (masc.: עדה / a'dah) MT: ADORNMENT RMT: Adornment. Strong's: #5711
Adbe'el: (masc.: אדבאל / ad'be'eyl) MT: MIST + in~MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Mist in the mighty one. Strong's: #0110
Admah: (fem.: אדמה / ad'mah) MT: GROUND RMT: Ground. Strong's: #0126, #0128
Adonai: (masc.: אדוני / a'do'ni) MT: LORD~s~me RMT: My lords. Strong's: #0136
Adulam: (masc.: עדולם / a'du'lam) MT: WITNESS + and~SHEPHERD.STAFF RMT: Witness and a shepherd staff. Strong's: #5725, #5726
Agag: (masc.: אגג / a'gag) MT: I~will~OVERTOP RMT: I will be overtop. Strong's: #0090
Ahalivamah: (masc.: אהליבמה / a'ha'li'va'mah) MT: TENT~of + PLATFORM RMT: Tent of the platform. Strong's: #0173
Ahaliyav: (masc.: אהליאב / a'ha'li'av) MT: TENT~of + FATHER RMT: Tent of father. Strong's: #0171
Aharon: (masc.: אהרון / a'ha'ron) MT: LIGHT.BRINGER RMT: Light bringer (Uncertain meaning, but related to the word for light). Strong's: #0175
Ahhi'ezer: (masc.: אחיעזר / a'hhi'e'zer) MT: BROTHER~me + HELP RMT: My brother is help. Strong's: #0295
Ahhihud: (masc.: אחיהוד / a'hhi'hud) MT: BROTHER~me + SPLENDOR RMT: My brother is splendor. Strong's: #0282
Ahhiman: (masc.: אחימן / a'hhi'man) MT: BROTHER~me + SHARE RMT: My brother shares. Strong's: #0289
Ahhira: (masc.: אחירע / a'hhi'ra) MT: BROTHER~me + DYSFUNCTIONAL RMT: My brother is dysfunctional. Strong's: #0299
Ahhiram: (masc.: אחירם / a'hhi'ram) MT: BROTHER~me + RAISED RMT: My brother is raised. Strong's: #0297, #0298
Ahhiysamahh: (masc.: אחיסמך / a'hhi'sa'mak) MT: BROTHER~me + he~did~SUPPORT(V) RMT: My brother supports (May also mean "My brother of support."). Strong's: #0294
Ahhuzat: (masc.: אחוזת / a'hhu'zat) MT: HOLDINGS RMT: Holdings. Strong's: #0276
Akad: (masc.: אכד / a'kad) MT: DELICATE RMT: Delicate (Can also mean 'spark'). Strong's: #0390
Akhbor: (masc.: עכבור / akh'bor) MT: MOUSE RMT: Mouse. Strong's: #5907
Akhran: (masc.: עכרן / akh'ran) MT: DISTURBED.ONE RMT: Disturbed one. Strong's: #5918
Almodad: (masc.: אלמודד / al'mo'dad) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + MEASURING RMT: Mighty one of measuring (The origins of "modad" is uncertain). Strong's: #0486
Almon-Divlatayim: (masc.: עלמון דבלתים / al'mon Divlatayim) MT: OUT.OF.SIGHT + CAKE~s2 RMT: Out of sight of two cakes (or "Out of sight of Divlatayim"). Strong's: #5963
Alon-Bakhut: (masc.: אלון-בכות / a'lon ba'khut) MT: GREAT.TREE + WEEPING RMT: Great tree of weeping. Strong's: #0439
Alush: (masc.: אלוש / a'lush) MT: I~will~KNEAD(V) RMT: I will knead. Strong's: #0442
Alwah: (masc.: עלוה / al'wah) MT: WICKEDNESS RMT: Wickedness. Strong's: #5933
Alwan: (masc.: עלון / al'wan) MT: LOFT RMT: Loft. Strong's: #5935
Amaleq: (masc.: עמלק / a'me'leq) MT: PEOPLE + GATHERED.UP RMT: People gathered up. Strong's: #6002, #6003
Ami'eyl: (masc.: עמיאל / a'mi'eyl) MT: PEOPLE~of + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: People of the mighty one. Strong's: #5988
Amihud: (masc.: עמיהוד / a'mi'hud) MT: PEOPLE~of + SPLENDOR RMT: People of splendor. Strong's: #5989
Amishaddai: (masc.: עמישדי / a'mi'sha'dai) MT: PEOPLE~of + BREAST~s~me RMT: People of my breasts. Strong's: #5996
Amiynadav: (masc.: עמינדב / a'mi'na'dav) MT: PEOPLE~me + OFFERED.WILLINGLY RMT: My people offered willingly. Strong's: #5992
Amon: (masc.: עמון / a'mon) MT: TRIBAL RMT: Tribal. Strong's: #5983, #5984, #5985
Amram: (masc.: עמרם / am'ram) MT: PEOPLE + RAISED RMT: People raised. Strong's: #6019
Amraphel: (masc.: אמרפל / am'ra'phel) MT: SAYER~+~FALL RMT: Sayer of the fall (Can also mean "One that speaks of secrets", "Sayer of darkness" or "Fall of the sayer."). Strong's: #0569
Anah: (masc.: ענה / a'nah) MT: ANSWERED RMT: Answered. Strong's: #6034
Anam: (masc.: ענם / a'nam) MT: AFFLICTION + WATER~s2 RMT: Affliction of waters. Strong's: #6047
Anaq: (masc.: ענק / a'naq) MT: NECK.BAND RMT: Neck band. Strong's: #6061, #6062
Aner: (masc.: ענר / a'ner) MT: YOUNG.BOY RMT: Young boy (Meaning and origin are uncertain). Strong's: #6063
Aqan: (masc.: עקן / a'qan) MT: SHARP.SIGHTED RMT: Sharp sighted. Strong's: #6130
Aqrabiym: (masc.: עקברים / aq'ra'biym) MT: SHARP.SIGHTED RMT: Sharp sighted. Strong's: #4610
Ar: (masc.: ער / ar) MT: ENEMY RMT: Enemy (May also mean "city."). Strong's: #6144
Arad: (masc.: ערד / a'rad) MT: WILD.DONKEY RMT: Wild donkey. Strong's: #6166
Aram: (masc.: ארם / a'ram) MT: PALACE RMT: Palace (From a root meaning "a high place," such as used for building palaces and forts). Strong's: #0758
Aram-Nahara'im: (masc.: ארם-נהרים / a'ram na'ha'ra'yim) MT: PALACE + RIVER~s2 RMT: Palace of two rivers. Strong's: #0763
Aran: (masc.: ארן / a'ran) MT: I~will~SHOUT.ALOUD(V) RMT: I will shout aloud. Strong's: #0765
Araq: (masc.: ערק / a'raq) MT: GNAWED RMT: Gnawed. Strong's: #6208
Ararat: (masc.: אררט / a'ra'rat) MT: HIGH.LAND RMT: High land (Meaning uncertain. Possibly of foreign origin). Strong's: #0780
Ard: (masc.: ארד / ard) MT: I~will~GO.DOWN(V) RMT: I will go down. Strong's: #0714
Areliy: (masc.: אראלי / ar'ey'li) MT: LION + MIGHTY.ONE~me RMT: Lion of my mighty one. Strong's: #0692
Argov: (masc.: ארגוב / ar'gov) MT: I~will~CLOD RMT: I will clod. Strong's: #0709
Arnon: (masc.: ארנון / ar'non) MT: I~will~SHOUT.ALOUD(V) RMT: I will shout aloud. Strong's: #0769
Arodiy: (masc.: ארודי / a'ro'di) MT: ROAMING~me RMT: My roaming. Strong's: #0722
Aro'eyr: (masc.: ערוער / ar'o'eyr) MT: UNPROTECTED RMT: Unprotected. Strong's: #6177
Arpakhshad: (masc.: ארפכשד / ar'pakh'shad) MT: I~will~DECLINE + BREAST RMT: I declined the breast. Strong's: #0775
Arwad: (masc.: ארוד / ar'wad) MT: ROAMING RMT: Roaming. Strong's: #0719, #0721
Aryokh: (masc.: אריוך / a'ri'okh) MT: LION.LIKE RMT: Lion like. Strong's: #0746
Ashbeyl: (masc.: אשבל / ash'beyl) MT: I~will~EXCHANGE(V) RMT: I will exchange (Can also mean "Fire of Bel"). Strong's: #0788
Asher: (masc.: אשר / a'sher) MT: HAPPY RMT: Happy. Strong's: #0836
Ashkanaz: (masc.: אשכנז / ash'ke'naz) MT: FIRE + SPRINKLED RMT: Fire sprinkled. Strong's: #0813
Ashterot: (masc.: עשתרות / ash'te'rot) MT: YOUNG.SHEEP~s RMT: young sheep. Strong's: #6252
Ashterot-Qar'nayim: (masc.: עשתרות-קרנים / ash'te'rot qar'na'yim) MT: YOUNG.SHEEP~s + HORN~s2 RMT: Horns of young sheep. Strong's: #6255
Ashur: (masc.: אשור / a'shur) MT: HAPPY RMT: Happy. Strong's: #0804
Asiyr: (masc.: אסיר / a'sir) MT: PRISONER RMT: Prisoner. Strong's: #0617
Asnat: (masc.: אסנת / as'nat) MT: BELONGING.TO.NAT RMT: Belonging to Nat (Of Egyptian origin). Strong's: #0621
Asri'eyl: (masc.: אסריאל / as'ri'eyl) MT: HAPPY(V)~me + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: My happiness is the mighty one. Strong's: #0844, #0845
Atariym: (masc.: אתרים / a'ta'riym) MT: SITE~s RMT: Sites. Strong's: #0871
Atarot: (masc.: עטרות / a'ta'rot) MT: WREATH~s RMT: Wreaths. Strong's: #5852
At'rot-Shophan: (masc.: עטרת-שופן / at'rot-sho'phan) MT: WREATH~s RABBIT RMT: Wreaths of Rabbit. Strong's: #5855
Atsmon: (masc.: עצמון / ats'mon) MT: ABUNDANT.ONE RMT: Abundant one. Strong's: #6111
Aveyl-Hashit'tim: (masc.: אבל השטים / a'veyl ha'shiyt'tiym) MT: MOURNING + the~ACACIA~s2 RMT: Mourning of the acacias (or "Mourning of Hashit'tim") Strong's: #0063
Aveyl-Mitsrayim: (masc.: אבל-מצרים / a'veyl mits'ra'yim) MT: MOURNING + STRAIT~s2 RMT: Mourning of two straits (or "Mourning of Mitsrayim"). Strong's: #0067
Avida: (masc.: אבידע / a'viy'da) MT: FATHER~me + he~did~KNOW(V) RMT: My father knows. Strong's: #0028
Avidan: (masc.: אבידן / a'vi'dan) MT: FATHER~me + MODERATOR RMT: My father is a moderator (May also mean "father of a moderator," "father of Dan" or "My father is Dan."). Strong's: #0027
Avihha'il: (masc.: אביחיל / a'vi'hha'yil) MT: FATHER~me + FORCE RMT: My father is a force. Strong's: #0032
Aviram: (masc.: אבירם / a'vi'ram) MT: FATHER~me + RAISED RMT: My father is raised. Strong's: #0048
Aviyasaph: (masc.: אביאסף / a'vi'a'saph) MT: FATHER~me + he~did~GATHER(V) RMT: My father gathers. Alternate Translations: x Strong's: #0023
Aviyhu: (masc.: אביהוא / a'vi'hu) MT: FATHER~me + HE RMT: He is my father. Strong's: #0030
Aviyma'el: (masc.: אבימאל / a'vi'ma'eyl) MT: FATHER~me + from~MIGHTY.ONE RMT: My father is from the mighty one. Strong's: #0039
Aviymelekh: (masc.: אבימלך / a'viy'me'lekh) MT: FATHER~me + KING RMT: My father is king (Can also mean "Father of the king."). Strong's: #0040
Avraham: (masc.: אברהם / av'ra'ham) MT: FATHER + LIFTED RMT: Father lifted. Strong's: #0085
Avram: (masc.: אברם / av'ram) MT: FATHER + RAISED RMT: Father raised. Strong's: #0087
Awi: (masc.: עוי / a'wi) MT: TWIST RMT: Twist. Strong's: #5757, #5761
Awit: (masc.: עיות / a'wit) MT: RUINED.HEAP~s RMT: Ruined heaps. Strong's: #5762
Ay: (masc.: עי / ai) MT: RUINED.HEAP RMT: Ruined heap. Strong's: #5857
Ayah: (masc.: איה / ai'yah) MT: HAWK RMT: Hawk. Strong's: #0345
Ayin: (masc.: עין / a'yin) MT: EYE RMT: Eye. Strong's: #5871
Azan: (masc.: עזן / a'zan) MT: STRONG.ONE RMT: Strong one. Strong's: #5821
Azazeyl: (masc.: עזאזל / a'za'zeyl) MT: STRONG + >~WAVER(V) RMT: Strong waver. Strong's: #5799
Azni: (masc.: אזני / az'ni) MT: EAR~me RMT: My ear. Strong's: #0241, #0244
Ba'al: (masc.: בעל / ba'al) MT: MASTER RMT: Master. Strong's: #1168
Ba'al-Hhanan: (masc.: בעל-חנן / ba'al hha'nan) MT: MASTER + BEAUTY RMT: Master of beauty (Can also mean "Ba'al is Beauty"). Strong's: #1177
Ba'al-Me'on: (masc.: בעל-מעון / ba'al me'on) MT: MASTER + HABITATION RMT: Master of the habitation. Strong's: #1186
Ba'al-Pe'or: (masc.: בעל-פעור / ba'al pe'or) MT: MASTER + OPENED.WIDE RMT: Master of the wide open. Strong's: #1187
Ba'al-Tsephon: (masc.: בעל-צפון / ba'al tse'phon) MT: MASTER + NORTH RMT: Master of the north. Strong's: #1189
Balaq: (masc.: בלק / ba'laq) MT: he~did~LAY.WASTE(V) RMT: He laid waste. Strong's: #1111
Bamot: (masc.: במות / ba'mot) MT: PLATFORM~s RMT: Platforms. Strong's: #1120
Barneya: (masc.: ברנע / bar'ney'a) MT: GRAIN + RATTLE RMT: Grain rattles. Strong's: #6947
Bashan: (masc.: בשן / ba'shan) MT: SHAME RMT: Shame. Strong's: #1316
Basmat: (fem.: בסמת / bas'mat) MT: FRAGRANCE RMT: Fragrance. Strong's: #1315
Bavel: (masc.: בבל / ba'vel) MT: MIXED.UP RMT: Mixed up. Strong's: #0894
Bedad: (masc.: בדד / be'dad) MT: ALONE RMT: Alone. Strong's: #0911
Be'eri: (masc.: בארי / be'ey'ri) MT: WELL~me RMT: My well. Strong's: #0882
Be'er-Lahhiy-Ro'iy: (masc.: באר-לחי-רואי / be'eyr la'hhai ro'iy) MT: WELL + to~LIVING + SEE(V)~ing(ms)~me RMT: I see a well for life. Strong's: #0883
Bekher: (masc.: בכר / be'kher) MT: YOUNG.CAMEL RMT: Young camel. Strong's: #1071
Bela: (fem.: בלע / be'la) MT: SWALLOWED RMT: Swallowed. Strong's: #1106
Beli'ya'al: (masc.: בליעל / be'li'ya'al) MT: UNAWARE + he~will~Gain(V) RMT: The unaware will gain. Strong's: #1100
Ben-Amiy: (masc.: בן-עמי / ben a'miy) MT: SON + PEOPLE~me RMT: Son of my people. Strong's: #1151
Ben-Oni: (masc.: בן-אוני / ben o'niy) MT: SON + VIGOR~me RMT: Son of my vigor. Strong's: #1126
Be'on: (masc.: בעון / be'on) MT: in~COHABITATION RMT: In cohabitation. Strong's: #1194
Be'or: (masc.: בעור / be'or) MT: IGNITING RMT: Igniting. Strong's: #1160
B'er: (masc.: באר / b'er) MT: WELL RMT: Well. Strong's: #0876
Bera: (masc.: ברע / be'ra) MT: in~DYSFUNCTIONAL RMT: In dysfunction (Can also mean "With shouting", "Son of evil", "A well" or "Declaring."). Strong's: #1298
Bered: (masc.: ברד / be'red) MT: HAILSTONES RMT: Hailstones. Strong's: #1260
Beri'ah: (masc.: בריעה / be'ri'ah) MT: in~COMPANION RMT: With a companion. Strong's: #1283
B'er-Sheva: (masc.: באר-שבע / be'er she'va) MT: WELL + SEVEN RMT: Seven wells. Strong's: #0884
Betsaleyl: (masc.: בצלאל / be'tsa'leyl) MT: in~SHADOW + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: In the shadow of the mighty one. Strong's: #1212
Betser: (masc.: בצר / be'tser) MT: PRECIOUS.METAL RMT: Precious metal. Strong's: #1221
Betu'el: (masc.: בתואל / be'tu'eyl) MT: HOUSE~them(m) + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Their house is the mighty one. Strong's: #1328
Beyt-El: (masc.: בית-אל / beyt eyl) MT: HOUSE + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: House of the mighty one. Strong's: #1008
Beyt-Haran: (masc.: בית-הרן / beyt ha'ran) MT: HOUSE + HILL.COUNTRY RMT: House of the Hill country. Strong's: #1028
Beyt-Hayishmot: (masc.: בית הישמות / beyt ha'yish'mot) MT: HOUSE + THERE.IS + DEATH RMT: House of there is death (or "House of Hayishmot") Strong's: #1020
Beyt-Lehhem: (masc.: בית-לחם / beyt le'hhem) MT: HOUSE + BREAD RMT: House of bread. Strong's: #1035
Beyt-Nimrah: (fem.: בית-נמרה / beyt nimrah) MT: HOUSE + LEOPARD RMT: House of the leopard. Strong's: #1039
Beyt-Pe'or: (masc.: בית-פעור / beyt pe'or) MT: HOUSE + OPENED.WIDE RMT: House of the opened wide one (or "House of Pe'or"). Strong's: #1047
Bilam: (masc.: בילעם / bil'am) MT: NONE + PEOPLE RMT: None of the people. Strong's: #1109
Bilhah: (fem.: בילהה / bil'hah) MT: DISMAY RMT: Dismay. Strong's: #1090
Bilhan: (masc.: בילהן / bil'han) MT: DISMAY~them(f) RMT: Their dismay. Strong's: #1092
Binyamin: (masc.: בינימין / bin'ya'min) MT: SON + RIGHT.HAND RMT: Son of the right hand. Strong's: #1144
Birsha: (masc.: ברשע / bir'sha) MT: in~LOST RMT: With the lost. Strong's: #1306
B'ney-Ya'aqan: (masc.: בני יעקן / be'ney ya'a'qan) MT: SON~s2 + he~will~BE.SHARP.SIGHTED(V) RMT: Sons of he will be sharp sighted (or "sons of Ya'aqatan") Strong's: #1142
Botsrah: (masc.: בוצרה / bots'rah) MT: SHEEP.PEN RMT: Sheep pen. Strong's: #1224
Buqi: (masc.: בוקי / bu'qi) MT: VACANT RMT: Vacant. Strong's: #1231
Buz: (masc.: בוז / buz) MT: DESPISED RMT: Despised. Strong's: #0938
Dameseq: (masc.: דמסק / דומשק / דרמשק / dam'seq / du'me'seq / dar'me'seq) MT: BLOOD + SACK RMT: Blood sack. Strong's: #1834
Dan: (masc.: דן / dan) MT: MODERATOR RMT: Moderator. Strong's: #1835
Daphqah: (fem.: דפקה / daph'qah) MT: she~did~BEAT.OUT(V) RMT: She beat out. Strong's: #1850
Datan: (masc.: דתן / da'tan) MT: LAWFUL RMT: Lawful. Strong's: #1885
Dawiyd: (masc.: דויד / da'wiyd) MT: BELOVED RMT: Beloved Strong's: #1732
Dedan: (masc.: דדן / דדנה / de'dan / de'da'neh) MT: LOW.COUNTRY RMT: Low country (Can also mean breasts or judge). Strong's: #1719
De'u'eyl: (masc.: דעואל / de'u'eyl) MT: they~did~KNOW(V) + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: They knew the mighty one. Strong's: #1845
Devorah: (fem.: דבורה / de'vo'rah) MT: BEE RMT: Bee. Strong's: #1683
Dibon: (masc.: דיבון / di'bon) MT: BROODING RMT: Brooding. Strong's: #1769(x2)
Dibon-Gad: (masc.: דיבון גד / di'bon gad) MT: PLEA + GIFT.OFFERING RMT: Plea offering. Strong's: #1769(x2)
Dinah: (fem.: דינה / di'nah) MT: PLEA RMT: Plea. Strong's: #1783
Dinhavah: (masc.: דינהבה / din'ha'vah) MT: PLEA + GIFT.OFFERING RMT: Plea offering. Strong's: #1838
Diqlah: (masc.: דיקלה / diq'lah) MT: PALM.GROVE RMT: Palm grove (Meaning and origin are uncertain). Strong's: #1853
Dishan: (masc.: דישן / di'shan) MT: THRESHER RMT: Thresher. Strong's: #1789
Dishon: (masc.: דישון / di'shon) MT: ANTELOPE RMT: Antelope. Strong's: #1787
Divriy: (masc.: דברי / div'riy) MT: WORD~me RMT: My word. Strong's: #1704
Di-Zahav: (masc.: די זהב / di za'hav) MT: SUFFICIENT + GOLD RMT: Sufficient gold. Strong's: #1774
Dodan: (masc.: דודן / רודן / do'dan / ro'dan) MT: LOW.COUNTRY RMT: Low country (Can also mean friendship, breast or judge). Strong's: #1721
Dotan: (masc.: דותן / do'tan) MT: LAWFUL RMT: Lawful. Strong's: #1886
Dumah: (masc.: דומה / du'mah) MT: SILENCED RMT: Silenced. Strong's: #1746
Eden: (masc.: עדן / e'den) MT: PLEASURE RMT: Pleasure. Strong's: #5731
Edom: (masc.: אדום / e'dom) MT: RED RMT: Red. Strong's: #0123, #0130
Ed're'i: (masc.: אדרעי / ed're'i) MT: ENERGY~me RMT: My energy. Strong's: #0154
Ehyeh: (masc.: אהיה / eh'yeh) MT: I~will~EXIST(V) RMT: I exist (Used only once, Exodus 3:14, where it is used as a proper name). Strong's: #1961
Elaley: (masc.: אלעלא / el'a'ley) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + >~GO.UP(V) RMT: The mighty one goes up. Strong's: #0500
Elam: (masc.: עילם / עולם / e'lam / o'lam) MT: ANCIENT RMT: Ancient. Strong's: #5867
Elasar: (masc.: אלסר / el'la'sar) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + NOBLE RMT: Mighty one of the noble (Can also mean "Mighty one is a chastiser" or "Revolting from the mighty one."). Strong's: #0495
Elazar: (masc.: אלעזר / el'a'zar) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + he~did~HELP(V) RMT: The mighty one helps. Strong's: #0499
El-Beyt-El: (masc.: אל-בית-אל / eyl beyt eyl) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + HOUSE + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Mighty one of the house of the mighty one (or "mighty one of Beyt El"). Strong's: #0416
Elda'ah: (masc.: אלדעה / el'da'ah) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + he~did~KNOW(V) RMT: The mighty one knows. Strong's: #0420
Eldad: (masc.: אלדד / el'dad) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + TEAT RMT: The mighty one is a teat. Strong's: #0419
El-Elohey-Yisra'eyl: (masc.: אל-אלהי-יסראל / eyl e'lo'hey yis'ra'eyl) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + POWER~s + he~will~TURN.ASIDE(V) + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Mighty one of powers will turn aside the mighty one (or "mighty one of Elohiym of Yisra'el"). Strong's: #0415
Eli'av: (masc.: אליאב / e'li'av) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + FATHER RMT: The mighty one is father. Strong's: #0446
Elidad: (masc.: אלידד / e'li'dad) MT: MIGHTY.ONE~me + TEAT RMT: My mighty one is a teat. Strong's: #0449
Eli'ezer: (masc.: אליעזר / e'li'e'zer) MT: MIGHTY.ONE~me + he~did~HELP(V) RMT: My mighty one helps (Can also mean "Mighty one of help."). Strong's: #0461
Eliphaz: (masc.: אליפז / e'li'phaz) MT: MIGHTY.ONE~me + PURE.GOLD RMT: My mighty one is pure gold. Strong's: #0464
Elishah: (masc.: אלישה / e'li'shah) MT: MIGHTY.ONE~me + EQUATED RMT: My mighty one equates (or "My mighty one resembles." The meaning of the word "shah" is uncertain). Strong's: #0473
Elishama: (masc.: אלישמע / e'li'sha'ma) MT: MIGHTY.ONE~me + he~did~HEAR(V) RMT: My mighty one heard. Strong's: #0476
Elitsaphan: (masc.: אליצפן / e'li'tsa'phan) MT: MIGHTY.ONE~me + he~did~CONCEAL(V) RMT: My mighty one concealed. Strong's: #0469
Elitsur: (masc.: אליצור / e'li'tsur) MT: MIGHTY.ONE~me + BOULDER RMT: My mighty one is a boulder. Strong's: #0468
Eliysheva: (fem.: אלישבע / e'li'she'va) MT: MIGHTY.ONE~me + he~did~SWEAR(V) RMT: My mighty one swears. Strong's: #0472
Elohiym: (masc.: אלוהים / e'lo'him) MT: POWER~s RMT: Powers. Strong's: #0430
Elqanah: (masc.: אלקנה / el'qa'nah) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + he~did~PURCHASE(V) RMT: The mighty one purchased. Strong's: #0511
El-Ra'iy: (masc.: אל-ראי / el ra'iy) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + he~did~SEE(V)~me RMT: The mighty one sees me. Strong's: #0410 & #7200
El'tsaphan: (masc.: אלצפן / el'tsa'phan) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + he~did~CONCEAL(V) RMT: The mighty one conceals. Strong's: #0469
Elyasaph: (masc.: אליסף / el'ya'saph) MT: MIGHTY.ONE + he~did~ADD(V) RMT: The mighty one added. Strong's: #0460
Elyon: (masc.: עליון / el'yon) MT: UPPER RMT: Upper. Strong's: #5945(x2)
Emor: (masc.: אמור / e'mor) MT: SAYER RMT: Sayer. Strong's: #0567
Enosh: (masc.: אנוש / e'nosh) MT: MAN RMT: Man. Strong's: #0583
Epher: (masc.: עפר / e'pher) MT: DIRT RMT: Dirt. Strong's: #6081
Ephod: (masc.: אפוד / e'phod) MT: EPHOD RMT: Ephod. Strong's: #0641
Ephrat: (masc.: אפרת / eph'rat) MT: I~will~INTERPRET(V) RMT: I will interpret. Strong's: #0672
Ephrayim: (masc.: אפרים / eph'ra'yim) MT: ASH~s2 RMT: Ashes (Can also mean "fruitful" or "double fruit."). Strong's: #0669
Ephron: (masc.: עפרון / eph'ron) MT: POWDERY RMT: Powdery. Strong's: #6085
Erekh: (masc.: ארך / e'rekh) MT: SLOW RMT: Slow. Strong's: #0751
Esaw: (masc.: עסו / e'saw) MT: DOING RMT: Doing. Strong's: #6215
Eseq: (masc.: עסק / e'seq) MT: STRIFE RMT: Strife. Strong's: #6230
Eshban: (masc.: אשבן / esh'ban) MT: I~will~GROW RMT: I will grow. Strong's: #0790
Eshkol: (masc.: אשכול / esh'kol) MT: CLUSTER RMT: Cluster. Strong's: #0812
Etsbon: (masc.: אצבון / ets'bon) MT: WORKING RMT: Working. Strong's: #0675
Etsi'on-Gaver: (masc.: עציון גבר / e'tsi'on ga'ver) MT: ABUNDANT.ONE RMT: Abundant one. Strong's: #6100
Ever: (masc.: עבר / e'ver) MT: OTHER.SIDE RMT: Other side. Strong's: #5677, #5680, #5681, #5682
Evronah: (fem.: עברונה / ev'ro'nah) MT: CROSSING.ONE RMT: Crossing one. Strong's: #5684
Ewi: (masc.: אוי / e'wi) MT: YEARN~me RMT: My yearning. Strong's: #0189
Eyhhiy: (masc.: אחי / a'hhi) MT: BROTHER~me RMT: My brother. Strong's: #0278
Eylah: (masc.: אלה / ey'lah) MT: OAK RMT: Oak. Strong's: #0425
Eyliym: (masc.: אילים / ey'lim) MT: BUCK~s RMT: Bucks. Strong's: #0362
Eylon: (masc.: אילון / ey'lon) MT: GREAT.TREE RMT: Great tree. Strong's: #0356
Eylot: (fem.: אילות / ey'lot) MT: DOE~s RMT: Does. Strong's: #0359
Eyl-Paran: (masc.: איל-פארן / eyl pa'ran) MT: BUCK + DECORATED RMT: Decorated Buck (The word Eyl can also mean ram, hart, tree, lintel, oak, mighty or strength). Strong's: #0364
Eym: (masc.: אים / eym) MT: TERROR RMT: Terror. Strong's: #0368
Eynan: (masc.: עינן / ey'nan) MT: HAVING.AN.EYE RMT: Having an eye. Strong's: #5851
Eynayim: (masc.: עינים / ey'na'yim) MT: EYE~s2 RMT: Eyes (or more literally, "Two eyes"). Strong's: #5879
Eyn-Mishpat: (masc.: עין-משפט / eyn mish'pat) MT: EYE + DECISION RMT: Eye of decision (Can also mean "Spring of judgement."). Strong's: #5880
Eyphah: (masc.: עיפה / ey'phah) MT: MURKINESS RMT: Murkiness. Strong's: #5891
Eyr: (masc.: ער / eyr) MT: ENEMY RMT: Enemy (May also mean "city."). Strong's: #6147
Eyran: (masc.: ערן / ey'ran) MT: BARE.ONE RMT: Bare one (May also mean "enemy" or "city."). Strong's: #6197
Eyriy: (masc.: ערי / ey'ri) MT: BARE.SKIN~me RMT: My bare skin. Strong's: #6179, #6180
Eyshdat: (masc.: אשדת / eysh'dat) MT: FIRE + LAW RMT: Fire Law. Strong's: #0799+#1881
Eytam: (masc.: אתם / ey'tam) MT: PLOWSHARE~them(m) RMT: Their plowshare. Strong's: #0864
Eytser: (masc.: אצר / ey'tser) MT: he~did~STORE.UP(V) RMT: He stored up. Strong's: #0687
Eyval: (masc.: עיבל / ey'val) MT: ROUND.STONE RMT: Round stone. Strong's: #5858
Gad: (masc.: גד / gad) MT: FORTUNE RMT: Fortune. Strong's: #1410
Gad'di'eyl: (masc.: גדיאל / gad'di'eyl) MT: FORTUNE~me + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: My fortune is the mighty one. Strong's: #1427
Gad'diy: (masc.: גדי / gad'diy) MT: FORTUNE~me RMT: My fortune. Strong's: #1426
Gahham: (masc.: גחם / ga'hham) MT: BURNT RMT: Burnt. Strong's: #1514
Galeyd: (masc.: גלעד / gal'eyd) MT: MOUND + WITNESS RMT: Mound of the witness. Strong's: #1567
Gamli'eyl: (masc.: גמליאל / gam'li'eyl) MT: CAMEL~me + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: My camel is the mighty one. Strong's: #1583
Gatam: (masc.: געתם / ga'tam) MT: BURNT.VALLEY RMT: Burnt Valley. Strong's: #1609
Gemali: (masc.: גמלי / ge'ma'li) MT: CAMEL~me RMT: My camel. Strong's: #1582
Gera: (masc.: גרא / gey'ra) MT: SEED.OF.GRAIN RMT: Seed of grain. Strong's: #1617
Gerar: (masc.: גרר / ge'rar) MT: CHEWED RMT: Chewed. Strong's: #1642
Gerizim: (masc.: גרזים / ge'ri'zim) MT: CUTTING~s RMT: Cuttings. Strong's: #1630
Gershom: (masc.: גרשום / ger'shom) MT: EVICTED RMT: Evicted. Strong's: #1647
Gershon: (masc.: גרשון / ger'shon) MT: EVICTED RMT: Evicted. Strong's: #1648
Geshur: (masc.: גשור / ge'shur) MT: CLINGING RMT: Clinging. Strong's: #1650, #1651
Getar: (masc.: גתר / ge'ter) MT: AGITATED RMT: Agitated. Strong's: #1666
Ge'u'eyl: (masc.: גאואל / ge'u'eyl) MT: !(ms)~RISE.UP(V) + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: The mighty one will rise up. Strong's: #1345
Ghamorah: (masc.: עמורה / gha'mo'rah) MT: SUBMERSION RMT: Submersion. Strong's: #6017
Ghaza: (masc.: עזה / gha'za) MT: SHE-GOAT RMT: She-goat. Strong's: #5804
Gidoni: (masc.: גדעוני / gid'o'ni) MT: HEWN.ONE~me RMT: My hewn one. Strong's: #1441
Gil'ad: (masc.: גילעד / gil'ad) MT: DANCING.AROUND + WITNESS RMT: Dancing around the witness. Strong's: #1568
Gilgal: (masc.: גילגל / gil'gal) MT: ROLLING.THING RMT: Rolling thing. Strong's: #1537
Girgash: (masc.: גירגש / gir'gash) MT: IMMIGRANT + CLAYEY.SOIL RMT: Immigrant of clayey soil (Can also mean "dwelling on clayey soil."). Strong's: #1622
Giyhhon: (masc.: גיחון / gi'hhon) MT: BURSTING.FORTH RMT: Bursting forth. Strong's: #1521
Golan: (masc.: גולן / go'lan) MT: BURNT.OFFERING~them(f) RMT: Their burnt offerings. Strong's: #1474
Gomer: (masc.: גומר / go'mer) MT: CONCLUDED RMT: Concluded. Strong's: #1586
Goren-Ha'atad: (masc.: גורן-האטד / goren ha'atad) MT: FLOOR + the~BRAMBLE.THORN RMT: Floor of the bramble thorn. Strong's: #0329, #1637
Goshen: (masc.: גושן / go'shen) MT: DRAWING.NEAR RMT: Drawing near. Strong's: #1657
Goyim: (masc.: גוים / go'yim) MT: NATION~s RMT: Nations. Strong's: #1471
Gudgodah: (fem.: גודגודה / gud'go'dah) MT: FORTUNES RMT: Fortunes. Strong's: #1412
Guni: (masc.: גוני / gu'ni) MT: DEFENDER~me RMT: My defender. Strong's: #1476
Hadad: (masc.: הדד / ha'dad) MT: the~TEAT RMT: The teat. Strong's: #1908
Hadar: (masc.: הדר / ha'dar) MT: HONOR RMT: Honor. Strong's: #1924
Hadoram: (masc.: הדורם / ha'do'ram) MT: HONOR~them(m) RMT: Their honor. Strong's: #1913
Hagar: (masc.: הגר / ha'gar) MT: the~IMMIGRANT RMT: The immigrant. Strong's: #1904
Ham: (masc.: הם / ham) MT: ROARING RMT: Roaring (From a root meaning "the roar of the sea"). Strong's: #1990
Haran: (masc.: הרן / ha'ran) MT: HILL.COUNTRY RMT: Hill country. Strong's: #2039
Hevel: (masc.: הבל / he'vel) MT: VANITY RMT: Vanity. Strong's: #1893
Heymam: (masc.: הימם / hey'mam) MT: CONFUSED RMT: Confused. Strong's: #1967
Hhadad: (masc.: חדד / hha'dad) MT: he~did~SHARP(V) RMT: He was sharp. Strong's: #2316
Hhagi: (masc.: חגי / hha'gi) MT: FEAST~me RMT: My feast. Strong's: #2291
Hhaglah: (fem.: חגלה / hhag'lah) MT: PARTRIDGE RMT: Partridge. Strong's: #2295
Hham: (masc.: חם / hham) MT: FATHER-IN-LAW RMT: Father-in-law. Strong's: #2526
Hhamat: (masc.: חמת / hha'mat) MT: SKIN.BAG RMT: Skin bag (Can also mean heat, anger or wall). Strong's: #2574, #2575, #2577
Hhamor: (masc.: חמור / hha'mor) MT: DONKEY RMT: Donkey. Strong's: #2544
Hhamul: (masc.: חמול / hha'mul) MT: PITIED RMT: Pitied. Strong's: #2538, #2539
Hhani'eyl: (masc.: חניאל / hha'ni'eyl) MT: BEAUTY~of + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Beauty of the mighty one. Strong's: #2592
Hhanokh: (masc.: חנוך / hha'nokh) MT: DEVOTED RMT: Devoted. Strong's: #2585
Hharadah: (fem.: חרדה / hha'ra'dah) MT: TREMBLING RMT: Trembling. Strong's: #2732
Hharan: (masc.: חרן / hha'ran) MT: FLAMING.WRATH RMT: Flaming wrath. Strong's: #2771
Hharmah: (fem.: חרמה / hhar'mah) MT: ASSIGNED RMT: Assigned. Strong's: #2767
Hhashmonah: (fem.: חשמונה / hhash'mo'nah) MT: WEALTHY RMT: Wealthy. Strong's: #2832
Hhatsar-Adar: (masc.: חצר אדר / hha'tsar a'dar) MT: COURTYARD + he~did~BE.EMINENT(V) RMT: Courtyard of he was eminent (or "Courtyard of Adar"). Strong's: #2692
Hhatsar-Eynan: (masc.: חצר עינן / hha'tsar ey'nan) MT: COURTYARD + HAVING.AN.EYE RMT: Courtyard of Having an eye (or "Courtyard of Eynan"). Strong's: #2704
Hhatsariym: (masc.: חצרים / hha'tsa'riym) MT: COURTYARD~s RMT: Courtyards. Strong's: #2699
Hhatsarmawet: (masc.: חצרמות / hha'tsa'ma'wet) MT: COURTYARD + DEATH RMT: Courtyard of death. Strong's: #2700
Hhatsarot: (masc.: חצרות / hha'tsa'rot) MT: COURTYARD~s RMT: Courtyards. Strong's: #2698
Hhats'tson-Tamar: (masc.: חצצון-תמר / hhats'tson ta'mar) MT: DIVIDING + DATE.PALM RMT: Dividing the date palm. Strong's: #2688
Hhawah: (fem.: חוה / hha'wah) MT: TOWN RMT: Town. Strong's: #2332
Hhawilah: (fem.: חוילה / hha'wi'lah) MT: TWIST.AROUND RMT: Twist around (May have the meaning of "suffers pain" from the idea of twisting). Strong's: #2341
Hhawot: (fem.: חות / hha'wot) MT: TOWN~s RMT: Towns. Strong's: #2334
Hhazo: (masc.: חזו / hha'zo) MT: LOOK.INTO~him RMT: His looking into. Strong's: #2375
Hheleq: (masc.: חלק / hhe'leq) MT: DISTRIBUTION RMT: Distribution. Strong's: #2507, #2516
Hhemdan: (masc.: חמדן / hhem'dan) MT: DESIRED RMT: Desired. Strong's: #2533
Hhermon: (masc.: חרמון / hher'mon) MT: PERFORATED.ONE RMT: Perforated one. Strong's: #2768
Hheshbon: (masc.: חשבון / hhesh'bon) MT: REASON RMT: Reason. Strong's: #2809
Hhet: (masc.: חת / hhet) MT: TREMBLING.IN.FEAR RMT: Trembling in fear. Strong's: #2845, #2850
Hhetsron: (masc.: חצרון / hhets'ron) MT: SURROUNDED.BY.A.WALL RMT: Surrounded by a wall. Strong's: #2696
Hhever: (masc.: חבר / hhe'ver) MT: COUPLE RMT: Couple. Strong's: #2268
Hhevron: (masc.: חברון / hhev'ron) MT: ASSOCIATION RMT: Association. Strong's: #2275, #2276
Hheylon: (masc.: חלון / hhey'lon) MT: WINDOW RMT: Window. Strong's: #2497
Hheypher: (masc.: חפר / hhey'pher) MT: DUG.OUT.WELL RMT: Dug out well. Strong's: #2660
Hhideqel: (masc.: חידקל / hhi'de'qel) MT: RAPID RMT: Rapid. Strong's: #2313
Hhirot: (fem.: חירות / hhi'rot) MT: CISTERN~s RMT: Cisterns. Strong's: #6367
Hhiw: (masc.: חיו / hhiw) MT: TOWN RMT: Town. Strong's: #2340
Hhiyrah: (masc.: חירה / hhi'rah) MT: NOBILITY RMT: Nobility. Strong's: #2437
Hhor: (masc.: חור / hhor) MT: PALE RMT: Pale. Strong's: #2752
Hhorev: (masc.: חורב / hho'rev) MT: PARCHING.HEAT RMT: Parching heat. Strong's: #2722
Hhor-Hagidgad: (masc.: חור הגדגד / hhor ha'gid'gad) MT: PARCHING.HEAT RMT: Parching heat. Strong's: #2735
Hhoriy: (masc.: חורי / hho'ri) MT: PALENESS RMT: Paleness. Strong's: #2753
Hhovah: (fem.: חובה / hho'vah) MT: WITHDRAWING RMT: Withdrawing Strong's: #2327
Hhovav: (masc.: חובב / hho'vav) MT: CHERISH(V)~ing(ms) RMT: Cherishing. Strong's: #2246
Hhul: (masc.: חול / hhul) MT: SAND RMT: Sand. Strong's: #2343
Hhupham: (masc.: חופם / hhu'pham) MT: SHORE~them(m) RMT: Their shore. Strong's: #2349
Hhupim: (masc.: חופים / hhu'pim) MT: SHORE~s RMT: Shores. Strong's: #2650
Hhur: (masc.: חור / hhur) MT: PALE RMT: Pale. Strong's: #2354
Hhush: (masc.: חוש / hhush) MT: HASTY RMT: Hasty. Strong's: #2366
Hhusham: (masc.: חושם / hhu'sham) MT: HASTILY RMT: Hastily. Strong's: #2367
Hhutsot: (masc.: חוצות / hhu'tsot) MT: OUTSIDE~s RMT: Outsides. Strong's: #7155
Hor: (masc.: הור / hor) MT: HILL RMT: Hill. Strong's: #2023
Hosheya: (masc.: הושע / ho'shey'a) MT: !(ms)~make~RESCUE(V) RMT: Rescue. Strong's: #1954
I'ezer: (masc.: איעזר / i'e'zer) MT: ISLAND + HELP RMT: An Island is help (or "Island of help"). Strong's: #0372, #0373
Irad: (masc.: עירד / i'rad) MT: FLEET RMT: Fleet. Strong's: #5897
Iyey-Ha'a'variym: (masc.: עיי העברים / i'yey ha'a'va'riym) MT: PILE.OF.RUINS~s + the~OTHER.SIDE~s RMT: Pile of ruins of the ones of the other side (or "Pile of ruins of the ones of Eber"). Strong's: #5863
Iyram: (masc.: עירם / i'ram) MT: CITY~them(m) RMT: Their city. Strong's: #5902
Iytamar: (masc.: איתמר / it'mar) MT: ISLAND + DATE.PALM RMT: Island of the date palm. Strong's: #0385
Iy'yim: (masc.: עיים / iy'yim) MT: PILE.OF.RUINS~s RMT: Pile of ruins. Strong's: #5864
Kalahh: (masc.: כלח / ka'lahh) MT: FULL.AGE RMT: Full age. Strong's: #3625
Kaleyv: (masc.: כלב / ka'leyv) MT: DOG RMT: Dog. Strong's: #3612
Kalneh: (masc.: כלנה / kal'neh) MT: FORTRESS.OF.ANU RMT: Fortress of Anu. Strong's: #3641
Kaphtor: (masc.: כפתור / kaph'tor) MT: KNOB RMT: Knob. Strong's: #3731, #3732
Karmi: (masc.: כרמי / kar'mi) MT: VINEYARD~me RMT: My vineyard. Strong's: #3756
Kasluhh: (masc.: כסלוח / kas'luhh) MT: FORTIFIED RMT: Fortified (Can also mean "hopes of life."). Strong's: #3695
Kazbi: (fem.: כזבי / kaz'bi) MT: LIE~me RMT: My lie. Strong's: #3579
Kedarla'omer: (masc.: כדרלעומר / ke'dar'la'o'mer) MT: FIGHTING + to~the~SHEAF RMT: Fighting for the sheaf. Strong's: #3540
Kemosh: (masc.: כמוש / ke'mosh) MT: SUBDUER RMT: Subduer. Strong's: #3645
Kena'an: (masc.: כנען / ke'na'an) MT: LOWERED RMT: Lowered. Strong's: #3667, #3669
Keran: (masc.: כרן / ke'ran) MT: LYRE RMT: Lyre. Strong's: #3763
Kesed: (masc.: כסד / ke'sed) MT: INCREASING RMT: Increasing (Can also mean "Like a level field"). Strong's: #3|, #3778
Keziv: (masc.: כזיב / ke'ziv) MT: LIE RMT: Lie. Strong's: #3580
Kineret: (fem.: כנרת / ki'ne'ret) MT: HARP RMT: Harp. Strong's: #3672
Kislon: (masc.: כיסלון / kis'lon) MT: CONFIDENT.ONE RMT: Confident one. Strong's: #3692
Kit: (masc.: כית / kit) MT: BRUISER RMT: Bruiser (Can also mean breaking or bruising). Strong's: #3794
Kush: (masc.: כוש / kush) MT: BLACKISH RMT: Blackish. Strong's: #3568, #3569, #3571
La'eyl: (masc.: לאל / la'eyl) MT: to~MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Belonging to the mighty one. Strong's: #3815
Lamekh: (masc.: למך / la'mekh) MT: DESPAIRING RMT: Despairing (Can also mean "suffering."). Strong's: #3929
Lavan: (masc.: לבן / la'van) MT: WHITE RMT: White. Strong's: #3837
Le'ah: (fem.: לאה / ley'ah) MT: IMPATIENT RMT: Impatient. Strong's: #3812
Lehav: (masc.: להב / le'hav) MT: GLIMMER RMT: Glimmer. Strong's: #3853
Lesha: (masc.: לשע / le'sha) MT: CRACK.OPEN RMT: Crack open. Strong's: #3962
Letush: (masc.: לטוש / le'tush) MT: SHARPENED RMT: Sharpened. Strong's: #3912
Le'um: (masc.: לאום / le'um) MT: COMMUNITY RMT: Community. Strong's: #3817
Levanon: (masc.: לבנון / le'va'non) MT: WHITE.ONE RMT: White one. Strong's: #3844
Lewi: (masc.: לוי / le'wi) MT: JOINING~me RMT: My joining. Strong's: #3878, #3881
Livnah: (fem.: לבנה / liv'nah) MT: BRICK RMT: Brick (May also mean "White" or "Moon."). Strong's: #3841
Liyvniy: (masc.: ליבני / liv'ni) MT: to~SON~my RMT: To my son (May also mean "for my son," or "my white). Strong's: #3845
Lot: (masc.: לוט / lot) MT: TIGHTLY.WRAPPED RMT: Tightly wrapped. Strong's: #3876
Lotan: (masc.: לוטן / lo'tan) MT: WRAPPER RMT: Wrapper. Strong's: #3877
Lud: (masc.: לוד / lud) MT: NATIVITY RMT: Nativity (Can also mean "generation"). Strong's: #3865, #3866
Luz: (masc.: לוז / luz) MT: HAZEL RMT: Hazel. Strong's: #3870
Ma'akhah: (masc.: מעכה / ma'a'khah) MT: FIRMLY.PRESSED RMT: Firmly pressed. Strong's: #4601
Madai: (masc.: מדי / ma'dai) MT: LONG.GARMENT~s~me RMT: My long garments (Can also mean measure, judging, habit or covering). Strong's: #4074
Magdi'eyl: (masc.: מגדיאל / mag'di'eyl) MT: PRECIOUS + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Precious is the mighty one. Strong's: #4025
Magog: (masc.: מגוג / ma'gog) MT: ROOFING RMT: Roofing. Strong's: #4031
Mahalalel: (masc.: מהללאל / ma'ha'la'lel) MT: SHINE + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Shining of the mighty one. Strong's: #4111
Mahhalat: (masc.: מחלת / ma'hha'lat) MT: SICKENED RMT: Sickened. Strong's: #4257, #4258
Mahhanayim: (masc.: מחנים / ma'hha'na'yim) MT: CAMP~s2 RMT: Two camps Strong's: #4266
Mahhlah: (fem.: מחלה / mahh'lah) MT: SICKNESS RMT: Sickness. Strong's: #4244
Mahh'liy: (masc.: מחלי / mahh'li) MT: SICKNESS~me RMT: My Sickness. Strong's: #4249
Mahn: (masc.: מן / mahn) MT: SHARE RMT: Share (The bread-like substance provided to the Israelites while in the wilderness. The actual meaning of this word is uncertain, but can mean "stringed instrument," "from," or "portion." In the Greek Septuagint, this word is written as "mahn" in the book of Exodus and "manna" in Numbers and Deuteronomy.). Strong's: #4478
Makhi: (masc.: מכי / ma'khi) MT: BEING.LOW RMT: Being low. Strong's: #4352
Makhir: (masc.: מכיר / ma'khir) MT: PRICE RMT: Price. Strong's: #4353
Makhpelah: (masc.: מכפלה / makh'pe'lah) MT: DOUBLED RMT: Doubled. Strong's: #4375
Malki'el: (masc.: מלכיאל / mal'ki'eyl) MT: KING~me + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: My king is the mighty one. Strong's: #4439
Malkiy-Tsedeq: (masc.: מלכי-צדק / mal'ki tse'deq) MT: KING~me + STEADFAST RMT: My king is steadfast (Can also mean "My king is Tsedeq" or "My king is righteousness."). Strong's: #4442
Mamre: (masc.: ממרא / mam'rey) MT: FLAPPING.WING RMT: Flapping wing (From a root meaning "bitter." Can also mean "rebellious"). Strong's: #4471
Manahhat: (masc.: מנחת / ma'na'hhat) MT: OASIS RMT: Oasis. Strong's: #4506
Maqheylot: (fem.: מקהלות / maq'hey'lot) MT: GRASSLAND~s RMT: Grasslands. Strong's: #4722
Marah: (fem.: מרה / ma'rah) MT: BITTER RMT: Bitter. Strong's: #4785
Masa: (masc.: מסא / ma'sa) MT: LOAD RMT: Load. Strong's: #4854
Mash: (masc.: מש / mash) MT: DRAWN.OUT RMT: Drawn out. Strong's: #4851
Masreyqah: (masc.: מסרקה / mas'rey'qah) MT: CHOICE.VINEYARD RMT: Choice vineyard. Strong's: #4957
Mas'sah: (fem.: מסה / ma'sah) MT: TRIAL RMT: Trial. Strong's: #4532
Matanah: (fem.: מתנה / ma'ta'nah) MT: CONTRIBUTION RMT: Contribution. Strong's: #4980
Matreyd: (masc.: מטרד / mat'reyd) MT: CONTINUOUS RMT: Continuous. Strong's: #4308
Medan: (masc.: מדן / me'dan) MT: DISCORD RMT: Discord. Strong's: #4091
Meheytaveyl: (masc.: מהיטבאל / me'hey'tav'eyl) MT: FAVORED + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Favored of the mighty one. Strong's: #4105
Mehhuya'el: (masc.: מחויאל / me'huu'ya'eyl) MT: BATTERING.RAM + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: The mighty one is a battering ram. Strong's: #4232
Menasheh: (masc.: מנשה / me'na'sheh) MT: CAUSING.TO.OVERLOOK RMT: Causing to overlook. Strong's: #4519
Merari: (masc.: מררי / me'ra'ri) MT: BITTERNESS~me RMT: My bitterness. Strong's: #4847
Meriyvah: (fem.: מריבה / me'ri'vah) MT: CONTENTION RMT: Contention. Strong's: #4809
Mesha: (masc.: משא / mey'sha) MT: TUMULTUOUS RMT: Tumultuous. Strong's: #4852
Meshek: (masc.: משך / me'shek) MT: ACQUIRING RMT: Acquiring. Strong's: #4902
Metusha'el: (masc.: מתושאל / me'tu'sha'eyl) MT: DEATH~him + he~did~ENQUIRE(V) RMT: His death he enquired (Can also mean "Their death asks."). Strong's: #4967
Metushelahh: (masc.: מתושלח / me'tu'sha'lahh) MT: DEATH~him + he~did~SEND(V) RMT: His death sends (Can also be "Their death sends."). Strong's: #4968
Meydad: (masc.: מידד / mey'dad) MT: THROWING RMT: Throwing. Strong's: #4312
Meydva: (masc.: מידבא / meyd'va) MT: WATER + TOUGHNESS RMT: Water of toughness. Strong's: #4311
Mey-Zahav: (masc.: מי-זהב / mey za'hav) MT: WATER~s2 + GOLD RMT: Waters of Gold. Strong's: #4314
Mid'yan: (masc.: מידין / mid'yan) MT: QUARREL RMT: Quarrel. Strong's: #4080
Migdal-Eyder: (masc.: מגדל-עדר / mig'dal ey'der) MT: TOWER + DROVE RMT: Tower of the drove. Strong's: #4029
Migdol: (masc.: מגדול / mig'dol) MT: TOWER RMT: Tower. Strong's: #4024
Mika'eyl: (masc.: מיכאל / mi'ka'eyl) MT: WHO + like~MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Who is like the mighty one. Strong's: #4317
Milkah: (fem.: מלכה / mil'kah) MT: QUEEN RMT: Queen. Strong's: #4435
Mir'yam: (fem.: מירים / mir'yam) MT: BITTER + SEA RMT: Bitter sea (Can also mean "rebellion."). Strong's: #4813
Mishma: (masc.: משמע / mish'ma) MT: HEARING RMT: Hearing. Strong's: #4927
Mitqah: (fem.: מתקה / mit'qah) MT: SWEETNESS RMT: Sweetness. Strong's: #4989
Mitspah: (masc.: מצפה / mits'pah) MT: WATCHTOWER RMT: Watchtower. Strong's: #4708, #4709
Mits'rayim: (fem.: מצרים / mits'ra'yim) MT: STRAIT~s2 RMT: Two straits (A double plural name). Strong's: #4713, #4714
Mivsam: (masc.: מבסם / miv'sam) MT: SPICE.PLACE RMT: Spice place. Strong's: #4017
Mivtsar: (masc.: מבצר / miv'tsar) MT: FORTIFICATION RMT: Fortification. Strong's: #4014
Miysha'eyl: (masc.: מישאל / mi'sha'eyl) MT: WHO + he~did~ENQUIRE(V) RMT: Who enquired. Strong's: #4332
Miz'zah: (masc.: מזה / miz'zah) MT: EXHAUSTED RMT: Exhausted (Or may mean "fear"). Strong's: #4199
Mo'av: (masc.: מואב / mo'av) MT: THAT.ONE + FATHER RMT: That one is father. Strong's: #4124
Molekh: (masc.: מולך / mo'lekh) MT: REIGN(V)~ing(ms) RMT: Reigning. Strong's: #4432
Moreh: (masc.: מורה / mo'reh) MT: THROW(V)~ing(ms) RMT: Teacher (Can also mean rain). Strong's: #4176
Moriyah: (masc.: מוריה / mo'ri'yah) MT: THROW(V)~ing(ms)~me + EXISTING RMT: Yah is my teacher (Can also mean "seen of Yah," "chosen of Yah," "seeing Yah"). Strong's: #4179
Moseyrah: (fem.: מוסרה / mo'sey'rah) MT: STRAP~s RMT: Straps. Strong's: #4149(x2)
Moseyrot: (fem.: מוסרות / mo'sey'rot) MT: STRAP~s RMT: Straps. Strong's: #4149(x2)
Mosheh: (masc.: מושה / mo'sheh) MT: PLUCKED.OUT RMT: Plucked out. Strong's: #4872
Mupim: (masc.: מופים / mu'qim) MT: SNAKE~s RMT: Snakes. Strong's: #4649
Mushiy: (masc.: מושי / mu'shi) MT: MOVING~me RMT: My moving. Strong's: #4187
Na'amah: (fem.: נעמה / na'a'mah) MT: DELIGHTFUL RMT: Delightful. Strong's: #5279
Na'aman: (masc.: נעמן / na'a'man) MT: PLEASANTNESS RMT: Pleasantness. Strong's: #5283
Nadav: (masc.: נדב / na'dav) MT: he~did~OFFER.WILLINGLY(V) RMT: He offered willingly. Strong's: #5070
Nahhali'eyl: (masc.: נחליאל / na'hha'li'eyl) MT: WADI~of + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Wadi of the mighty one. Strong's: #5160
Nahhat: (masc.: נחת / na'hhat) MT: QUIETNESS RMT: Quietness. Strong's: #5184
Nahhbi: (masc.: נחבי / nahh'bi) MT: WITHDRAWN RMT: Withdrawn. Strong's: #5147
Nahhor: (masc.: נחור / na'hhor) MT: SNORTING RMT: Snorting. Strong's: #5152
Nahhshon: (masc.: נחשון / nahh'shon) MT: PREDICTOR RMT: Predictor. Strong's: #5177
Naphish: (masc.: נפיש / na'phish) MT: DEEP.BREATH RMT: Deep breath. Strong's: #5305
Naphtali: (masc.: נפתלי / naph'ta'li) MT: WRESTLING~me RMT: My wrestling. Strong's: #5321
Naphtuhh: (masc.: נפתוח / naph'tu'ahh) MT: DOORWAY RMT: Doorway. Strong's: #5320
Nataneyl: (masc.: נתנאל / na'tan'eyl) MT: >~GIVE(V) + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: The mighty one gave. Strong's: #5417
Nemu'eyl: (masc.: נמואל / ne'mu'eyl) MT: SEA + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Sea of the mighty one. Strong's: #5241
Nepheg: (masc.: נפג / ne'pheg) MT: SPROUT.UP RMT: Sprout up. Strong's: #5298
Nephilim: (masc.: נפילים / ne'phi'lim) MT: make~FALL(V)~ing(mp) RMT: Making fall. Strong's: #5303
Nevayot: (masc.: נביות / ne'va'yot) MT: FLOURISHED~s RMT: Flourishings. Strong's: #5032
Nevo: (masc.: נבו / ne'vo) MT: FLOURISHED~him RMT: His flourishing. Strong's: #5015
Nimrah: (fem.: נמרה / nim'rah) MT: LEOPARD RMT: Leopard. Strong's: #5247
Nimrod: (masc.: נימרוד / nim'rod) MT: REBELLING RMT: Rebelling. Strong's: #5248
Ninweh: (masc.: נינוה / nin'weh) MT: ABODE.OF.NINUS RMT: Abode of Ninus (Can also mean "handsome"). Strong's: #5210
No'ah: (fem.: נועה / no'ah) MT: STAGGERING RMT: Staggering. Strong's: #5270
No'ahh: (masc.: נוח / no'ahh) MT: REST RMT: Rest. Strong's: #5146
Nod: (masc.: נוד / nod) MT: NODDING RMT: Nodding. Strong's: #5113
Nophahh: (masc.: נופח / no'phahh) MT: EXHALE(V)~ing(ms) RMT: Exhaling. Strong's: #5302
Novahh: (masc.: נובח / no'vahh) MT: BARK(V)~ing(ms) RMT: Barking. Strong's: #5025
Nun: (masc.: נון / nun) MT: CONTINUE RMT: Continue. Strong's: #5126
Og: (masc.: עוג / og) MT: BAKED.BREAD RMT: Baked bread (The meaning of the feminine Hebrew noun). Strong's: #5747
Ohad: (masc.: אוהד / o'had) MT: UNITED RMT: United Strong's: #0161
Omar: (masc.: אומר / o'mar) MT: MATTER RMT: Matter. Strong's: #0201
On: (masc.: און / on) MT: VIGOR RMT: Vigor. Strong's: #0204
Onam: (masc.: אונם / o'nam) MT: COMPLAINER RMT: Complainer. Strong's: #0208
Onan: (masc.: אונן / o'nan) MT: COMPLAINER RMT: Complainer. Strong's: #0209
Ophir: (masc.: אופיר / o'phir) MT: REDUCED.TO.ASHES RMT: Reduced to ashes. Strong's: #0211
Ovot: (fem.: אובות / o'vot) MT: NECROMANCER~s RMT: Necromancers. Strong's: #0088
Padan: (masc.: פדן / pa'dan) MT: SUET RMT: Suet. Strong's: #6307
Padan-Aram: (masc.: פדן-ארם / pa'dan a'ram) MT: SUET + PALACE RMT: Suet of the palace. Strong's: #6307
Pagi'eyl: (masc.: פגעיאל / pag'i'eyl) MT: ENCOUNTER~of + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Encounter of the mighty one. Strong's: #6295
Palti: (masc.: פלטי / pal'ti) MT: ESCAPING~me RMT: My escaping. Strong's: #6406
Palti'eyl: (masc.: פלטיאל / pal'ti'eyl) MT: ESCAPING~me + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: My escaping of the mighty one. Strong's: #6409
Palu: (masc.: פלוא / pa'lu) MT: PERFORMING RMT: Performing. Strong's: #6396
Paran: (masc.: פארן / pa'ran) MT: DECORATED RMT: Decorated. Strong's: #6290
Parnakh: (masc.: פרנך / par'nakh) MT: FRAGILE RMT: Fragile. Strong's: #6535
Paroh: (masc.: פרעוה / par'oh) MT: GREAT.HOUSE RMT: Great house. Strong's: #6547
Patros: (masc.: פתרוס / pat'ros) MT: SOUTHERN.REGION RMT: Southern region (Can also mean "persuasion of ruin."). Strong's: #6624, #6625
Pa'u: (masc.: פעו / פעי / pa'u / pa'iy) MT: SCREAMING RMT: Screaming. Strong's: #6464
Pedah'eyl: (masc.: פדהאל / pe'dah'eyl) MT: RANSOMED + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: The mighty one ransomed. Strong's: #6300
Pedatsur: (masc.: פדהצור / פדה-צור / pe'dah'tsur) MT: RANSOMED + BOULDER RMT: Ransomed of the boulder. Strong's: #6301
Peleg: (masc.: פלג / pe'leg) MT: TRIBUTARY RMT: Tributary. Strong's: #6389
Peleshet: (fem.: פלשת / pe'le'shet) MT: WALLOWER RMT: wallower. Strong's: #6429, #6430
Pelet: (masc.: פלת / pe'let) MT: SWIFTNESS RMT: Swiftness. Strong's: #6431
Peni'el: (masc.: פניאל / פנואל / pe'ni'eyl / pe'nu'eyl) MT: FACE~s + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Face of the mighty one. Strong's: #6439
Pe'or: (masc.: פעור / pe'or) MT: OPENED.WIDE RMT: Opened wide. Strong's: #1187, #6465
Perat: (masc.: פרת / pe'rat) MT: FRUITFULNESS RMT: Fruitfulness. Strong's: #6578
Perets: (masc.: פרץ / pe'rets) MT: BREACH RMT: Breach. Strong's: #6557
Perez: (masc.: פרז / pe'rez) MT: PEASANT RMT: Peasant (Meaning "one who dwells in a village"). Strong's: #6522
Pesahh: (masc.: פסח / pe'sahh) MT: HOPPING RMT: Hopping (The day of deliverance from Egypt. Also, the feast remembering this day, and the lamb that is sacrificed for this feast). Strong's: #6453
Petor: (masc.: פתור / pe'tor) MT: INTERPRETING RMT: Interpreting. Strong's: #6604
Pikhol: (masc.: פיכול / pi'khol) MT: MOUTH + ALL RMT: Mouth of all. Strong's: #6369
Pildash: (masc.: פילדש / pil'dash) MT: FLAME.OF.FIRE RMT: Flame of fire. Strong's: #6394
Pinon: (masc.: פינון / pi'non) MT: AROUND.THE.CORNER RMT: Around the corner. Strong's: #6373
Pisgah: (fem.: פיסגה / pis'gah) MT: CLEFT RMT: Cleft. Strong's: #6449
Pishon: (masc.: פישון / pi'shon) MT: SCATTERED RMT: Scattered. Strong's: #6376
Pitom: (masc.: פיתום / pi'tom) MT: CITY.OF.JUSTICE RMT: City of justice (Of Egyptian origin). Strong's: #6619
Piy-Hahhiyrot: (masc.: פי-החירות / pi ha'hhi'rot) MT: MOUTH + the~CISTERN~s RMT: Mouth of the cisterns. Strong's: #6367
Piynhhas: (masc.: פינחס / pin'hhas) MT: MOUTH + SERPENT RMT: Mouth of the serpent. Strong's: #6372
Potee-Phera: (masc.: פוטי-פרע / po'ti phe'ra) MT: BELONGING~of + LONG.HAIR RMT: Belonging of long hair (or "Belonging of Phera," of Egyptian origin). Strong's: #6319
Potiphar: (masc.: פוטיפר / po'ti'phar) MT: BELONGING~of + BULL RMT: Belonging of a Bull (or "Belonging of Phar"). Strong's: #6318
Pu'a: (masc.: פואה / פוה / pu'ah) MT: BLOWN RMT: Blown. Strong's: #6312
Pu'ah: (fem.: פועה / pu'ah) MT: SPLENDID RMT: Splendid. Strong's: #6326
Pun: (masc.: פון / pun) MT: DISTRACTED RMT: Distracted. Strong's: #6325
Punon: (masc.: פונון / pu'non) MT: DISTRACTED.ONE RMT: Distracted one. Strong's: #6325
Put: (masc.: פוט / put) MT: BELONGING RMT: Belonging (Meaning and origin are uncertain). Strong's: #6316
Putiy'eyl: (masc.: פוטיאל / pu'ti'eyl) MT: BELONGING~of + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Belonging of the might one. Strong's: #6317
Qadesh: (masc.: קדש / qa'desh) MT: PROSTITUTE RMT: prostitute. Strong's: #6946
Qadmon: (masc.: קדמון / qad'mon) MT: EASTERN RMT: Eastern (Can also mean "Easterner."). Strong's: #6935
Qayin: (masc.: קין / qa'yin) MT: SPEARHEAD RMT: Spearhead. Strong's: #7014, #7017, #8423
Qedar: (masc.: קדר / qe'dar) MT: GRAY RMT: Gray. Strong's: #6938
Qedeymot: (masc.: קדמות / qe'dey'mot) MT: PAST.TIME~s RMT: Past times. Strong's: #6932
Qedmah: (masc.: קדמה / qed'mah) MT: PAST.TIME RMT: Past time. Strong's: #6929
Qehat: (masc.: קהת / qe'hat) MT: ALLIED RMT: Allied. Strong's: #6955
Qe'hey'latah: (masc.: קהלתה / qe'hey'la'tah) MT: ASSEMBLY~her RMT: Her assembly. Strong's: #6954
Qemu'el: (masc.: קמואל / qe'mu'eyl) MT: !(ms)~RISE(V) + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Rise mighty one. Strong's: #7055
Qenat: (masc.: קנת / qe'nat) MT: PURCHASED RMT: Purchased. Strong's: #7079
Qenaz: (masc.: קנז / qe'naz) MT: STALKER RMT: Stalker. Strong's: #7073, #7074
Qeturah: (masc.: קטורה / qe'tu'rah) MT: BURN.INCENSE(V)~ed(fs) RMT: Burnt incense. Strong's: #6989
Qeynan: (masc.: קינן / qey'nan) MT: NESTING RMT: Nesting. Strong's: #7018
Qiryat-Arba: (masc.: קירית-ארבע / qir'yat ar'ba) MT: WALL + FOUR RMT: Four walls. Strong's: #7153
Qiryatayim: (masc.: קריתים / qir'ya'ta'yim) MT: METROPOLIS~s2 RMT: Two metropolises. Strong's: #7156
Qivrot-Hata'awah: (masc.: קברות-התאוה / qiv'rot ha'ta'a'wah) MT: GRAVE~s + the~YEARNING RMT: Graves of the yearning. Strong's: #6914
Qorahh: (masc.: קורח / qo'rahh) MT: BALDING RMT: Balding. Strong's: #7141
Rahhel: (fem.: רחל / ra'hheyl) MT: EWE RMT: Ewe. Strong's: #7354
Ramah: (masc.: רעמה / ra'mah) MT: MANE.OF.A.HORSE RMT: Mane of a horse. Strong's: #7484
Ra'meses: (masc.: רעמסס / ra'me'ses) MT: CHILD.OF.THE.SUN RMT: Child of the sun (Of Egyptian origin). Strong's: #7486
Ramot: (fem.: ראמות / ra'mot) MT: CORAL~s RMT: Corals. Strong's: #7216
Rapha: (masc.: רפא / ra'pha) MT: DEAD RMT: Dead. Strong's: #7497
Raphu: (masc.: רפוא / ra'phu) MT: HEAL(V)~ed(ms) RMT: Healed. Strong's: #7505
Ravah: (fem.: רבה / ra'vah) MT: ABUNDANT RMT: Abundant. Strong's: #7237
Rehhov: (masc.: רחוב / re'hhov) MT: STREET RMT: Street. Strong's: #7340
Rehhovot: (masc.: רחובות / re'hho'vot) MT: STREET~s RMT: Streets. Strong's: #7344
Rehhovot-Ghir: (masc.: רחובות-עיר / re'hho'vot ghir) MT: STREET~s + CITY RMT: Streets of the city. Strong's: #7344, #5892
Rephiydiym: (masc.: רפידים / re'phi'dim) MT: PILLAR.BASE RMT: Pillar base. Strong's: #7508
Reqem: (masc.: רקם / re'qem) MT: EMBROIDERY RMT: Embroidery. Strong's: #7552
Resen: (masc.: רסן / re'sen) MT: HALTER RMT: Halter. Strong's: #7449
Re'u: (masc.: רעו / re'u) MT: COMPANION RMT: Companion. Strong's: #7466
Re'u'eyl: (masc.: רעואל / re'u'eyl) MT: COMPANION + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Companion of the mighty one. Strong's: #7467
Re'umah: (fem.: ראומה / re'u'mah) MT: ELEVATED RMT: Elevated. Strong's: #7208
Re'uven: (masc.: ראובן / re'u'veyn) MT: !(ms)~SEE(V) + SON RMT: See a son. Strong's: #7205
Reva: (masc.: רבע / re'va) MT: QUARTER RMT: Quarter. Strong's: #7254
Rimon-Perets: (masc.: רימון פרץ / ri'mon pe'rets) MT: OVERTHROWN RMT: Overthrown. Strong's: #7428
Riphat: (masc.: דיפת / ריפת / di'phat / ri'phat) MT: SPOKEN RMT: Spoken (Can also mean remedy, medicine, release or pardon). Strong's: #7384
Risah: (masc.: ריסה / ri'sah) MT: OVERTHROWN RMT: Overthrown. Strong's: #7446
Ritmah: (fem.: רתמה / rit'mah) MT: JUNIPER RMT: Juniper. Strong's: #7575
Rivlah: (fem.: ריבלה / riv'lah) MT: FRUITFUL RMT: Fruitful. Strong's: #7247
Rivqah: (fem.: ריבקה / riv'qah) MT: FATTENING RMT: Fattening. Strong's: #7259
Rosh: (masc.: רואש / rosh) MT: HEAD RMT: Head. Strong's: #7220
Salkah: (fem.: סלכה / sal'kah) MT: MIGRATION RMT: Migration. Strong's: #5548
Salu: (masc.: סלוא / sa'lu) MT: COMPARE(V)~ed(ms) RMT: Compared. Strong's: #5543
Samlah: (masc.: סמלה / sam'lah) MT: APPAREL RMT: Apparel. Strong's: #8072
Sarah: (fem.: סרה / sa'rah) MT: NOBLEWOMAN RMT: Noblewoman. Strong's: #8283
Sarai: (fem.: סרי / sa'rai) MT: RULER~s~me RMT: my rulers. Strong's: #8297
Savtah: (masc.: סבתה / סבתא / sav'tah) MT: GO.ABOUT RMT: Go about. Strong's: #5454
Savtekha: (masc.: סבתכא / sav'ke'kha) MT: BEATING RMT: Beating. Strong's: #5455
Sedom: (masc.: סדום / se'dom) MT: SCORCHING RMT: Scorching (Can also mean "burning" or "cement."). Strong's: #5467
Se'iyr: (masc.: סעיר / se'ir) MT: HAIRY.GOAT RMT: Hairy Goat. Strong's: #8165
Senir: (masc.: סניר / se'nir) MT: SNOW.MOUNTAIN RMT: Snow mountain. Strong's: #8149
Sephar: (masc.: ספר / se'phar) MT: SCROLL RMT: Scroll. Strong's: #5611
Serahh: (masc.: סרח / se'rahh) MT: OVERHANG RMT: Overhang. Strong's: #8294
Sered: (masc.: סרד / se'red) MT: BRAIDED.WORK RMT: Braided work. Strong's: #5624
Serug: (masc.: סרוג / se'rug) MT: TWIG RMT: Twig (From a root meaning "to be intertwined"). Strong's: #8286
Setur: (masc.: סתור / se'tur) MT: HIDE(V)~ed(ms) RMT: Hid. Strong's: #5639
Seva: (masc.: סבא / se'va) MT: DRUNKARD RMT: Drunkard. Strong's: #5434
Sevam: (masc.: סבם / se'vam) MT: BALSAM RMT: Balsam. Strong's: #7643
Shaddai: (masc.: שדי / shad'dai) MT: BREAST~s~me RMT: My breasts. Strong's: #7706
Shalem: (masc.: שלם / sha'lem) MT: OFFERING.OF.RESTITUTION RMT: Offering of restitution. Strong's: #8004
Sham'mah: (masc.: שממה / sham'mah) MT: DESOLATE RMT: Desolate. Strong's: #8048
Shamu'a: (masc.: שמוע / sha'mu'a) MT: HEAR(V)~ed(ms) RMT: Heard. Strong's: #8051
Shaphat: (masc.: שפט / sha'phat) MT: he~did~DECIDE(V) RMT: He decided. Strong's: #8202
Shapher: (masc.: שפר / sha'pher) MT: BRIGHT RMT: Bright. Strong's: #8234
Shaphtan: (masc.: שפטן / shiph'tan) MT: JUDICIAL RMT: Judicial. Strong's: #8204
Sha'ul: (masc.: שאול / sha'ul) MT: ENQUIRE(V)~ed(ms) RMT: Enquired. Strong's: #7586
Shaweh: (masc.: שוה / sha'weh) MT: EQUAL RMT: Equal. Strong's: #7740
Shaweh-Qiryatayim: (masc.: שוה-קיריתים / sha'weh qir'ya'ta'yim) MT: EQUAL~s + WALL~s RMT: Equal walls. Strong's: #7741
Shedeyur: (masc.: שדיאור / she'dey'ur) MT: BREAST~s + LIGHT(V) RMT: Breasts of light. Strong's: #7707
Shekhem: (masc.: שכם / she'khem) MT: SHOULDER RMT: Shoulder. Strong's: #7927, #7928
Shelahh: (masc.: שלח / she'lahh) MT: PROJECTILE RMT: Projectile. Strong's: #7974
Sheleph: (masc.: שלף / she'leph) MT: PULLED.OUT RMT: Pulled out. Strong's: #8026
Shelomiy: (masc.: שלומי / she'lo'miy) MT: COMPLETENESS~me RMT: My completeness. Strong's: #8015
Shelumi'eyl: (masc.: שלומיאל / she'lu'mi'eyl) MT: COMPLETENESS~of + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Completeness of the mighty one. Strong's: #8017
Shem: (masc.: שם / shem) MT: TITLE RMT: Title. Strong's: #8035
Shemever: (masc.: שמאבר / shem'ey'ver) MT: TITLE + LONG.WINGED RMT: Title of the long winged (Can also mean "lofty flight."). Strong's: #8038
Shemida: (masc.: שמידע / she'mi'da) MT: TITLE~me + OPINION RMT: My title is an opinion. Strong's: #8061, #8062
Shemu'eyl: (masc.: שמואל / she'mu'eyl) MT: TITLE~him + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: His title is the mighty one. Strong's: #8050
Shepham: (masc.: שפם / she'pham) MT: SCRAPED.BARE RMT: Scraped bare. Strong's: #8221
Shepho: (masc.: שפו / שפי / she'pho / she'phiy) MT: BARE.PLACE RMT: Bare place. Strong's: #8195
Sheshupham: (masc.: שפופם / she'phu'pham) MT: ADDER RMT: Adder. Strong's: #7781, #8197
Shet: (masc.: שת / shet) MT: BUTTOCKS RMT: Buttocks. Strong's: #8352
Sheva: (masc.: שבא / she'va) MT: SEVEN RMT: Seven. Strong's: #7614
Sheylah: (masc.: שלה / shey'lah) MT: REQUEST RMT: Request. Strong's: #7956
Sheyshai: (masc.: ששי / shey'shai) MT: LINEN~s~me RMT: My linens. Strong's: #8344
Shilem: (masc.: שילם / shi'lem) MT: RECOMPENSE RMT: Recompense. Strong's: #8006
Shimon: (masc.: שימעון / shi'mon) MT: HEARER RMT: Hearer. Strong's: #8095
Shimron: (masc.: שימרון / shim'ron) MT: GUARD RMT: Guard. Strong's: #8110
Shinar: (masc.: שינער / shi'nar) MT: COUNTRY.OF.TWO.RIVERS RMT: Country of two rivers (Can also mean "sleeps"). Strong's: #8152
Shinav: (masc.: שינאב / shi'nav) MT: TOOTH + FATHER RMT: Tooth of father (Can also mean "Changing father" or "Splendor of father."). Strong's: #8134
Shiphrah: (fem.: שיפרה / shiph'rah) MT: BRIGHTNESS RMT: Brightness. Strong's: #8236
Shitiym: (masc.: שיטים / shiy'tiym) MT: ACACIA~s RMT: Acacias. Strong's: #7851
Shivah: (masc.: שיבעה / shi'vah) MT: SEVENFOLD RMT: Sevenfold. Strong's: #7656
Shiymiy: (masc.: שימעי / shi'mi) MT: REPORT~me RMT: My report. Strong's: #8096
Sh'lomiyt: (masc.: שלומית / sh'lo'miyt) MT: OFFERING.OF.RESTITUTION~of RMT: One of Shalem. Strong's: #8019
Shoval: (masc.: שובל / sho'val) MT: UPPER.LEG RMT: Upper leg. Strong's: #7732
Shu'a: (masc.: שוע / shu'ahh) MT: SHOUTING.OUT RMT: Shouting out. Strong's: #|0
Shu'ahh: (masc.: שוח / shu'ahh) MT: SINKING RMT: Sinking. Strong's: #7744
Shuhham: (masc.: שוחם / shu'hham) MT: PIT.DIGGER RMT: Pit digger. Strong's: #7748, #7749
Shuni: (masc.: שוני / shu'ni) MT: FORTUNATE~of RMT: Fortunate one (May also mean "One of Shun" or "my sleep."). Strong's: #7764
Shur: (masc.: שור / shur) MT: ROCK.WALL RMT: Rock wall. Strong's: #7793
Shutelahh: (masc.: שותלח / shu'te'lahh) MT: SET.DOWN(V)~ed(ms) + MOIST RMT: Moistness sat down. Strong's: #7803, #8364
Sidim: (masc.: סידים / si'dim) MT: FIELD~s RMT: Fields. Strong's: #7708
Sihhon: (masc.: סיחון / si'hhon) MT: MEDITATING.ONE RMT: Meditating one. Strong's: #5511
Sin: (masc.: סין / sin) MT: SHARP.THORN RMT: Sharp thorn. Strong's: #5513
Sinai: (masc.: סיני / si'nai) MT: SHARP.THORN~s~me RMT: My sharp thorns. Strong's: #5514
Si'on: (masc.: סיאון / si'on) MT: HIGH.ONE RMT: High one. Strong's: #7865
Siryon: (masc.: סיריון / sir'yon) MT: HARNESS RMT: Harness. Strong's: #8303
Sitnah: (masc.: סטנה / sit'nah) MT: OPPOSITION RMT: Opposition. Strong's: #7856
Sitriy: (masc.: סיתרי / sit'ri) MT: PROTECTION~me RMT: My protection. Strong's: #5644
Sodi: (masc.: סודי / so'di) MT: CONFIDENCE~me RMT: My confidence. Strong's: #5476
Suk'kot: (masc.: סוכות / suk'kot) MT: BOOTH~s RMT: Booths. Strong's: #5523
Suphah: (fem.: סופה / su'phah) MT: WHIRLWIND RMT: Whirlwind. Strong's: #5492
Susiy: (masc.: סוסי / su'siy) MT: HORSE~s RMT: horses. Strong's: #5485
Tahhan: (masc.: תחן / ta'hhan) MT: CAMPSITE RMT: Campsite. Strong's: #8465, #8470
Tahhash: (masc.: תחש / ta'hhash) MT: DEER RMT: Deer. Strong's: #8477
Tahhat: (masc.: תחת / ta'hhat) MT: UNDER RMT: Under. Strong's: #8480
Talmai: (masc.: תלמי / tal'mai) MT: FURROW~s~me RMT: My furrows. Strong's: #8526
Tamar: (fem.: תמר / ta'mar) MT: DATE.PALM RMT: Date palm. Strong's: #8559
Taveyrah: (fem.: תבערה / tav'ey'rah) MT: KINDLED RMT: Kindled. Strong's: #8404
Terahh: (masc.: תרח / te'rahh) MT: STATIONED RMT: Stationed. Strong's: #8646
Tevahh: (masc.: טבח / te'vahh) MT: SLAUGHTERING RMT: Slaughtering. Strong's: #2875
Teyma: (masc.: תימא / tey'ma) MT: DESERT.REGION RMT: Desert region. Strong's: #8485
Teyman: (masc.: תימן / tey'man) MT: SOUTHWARD RMT: Southward. Strong's: #8487, #8489
Tidal: (masc.: תדעל / ti'dal) MT: YOKE.BREAKER RMT: Yoke breaker (Meaning and origin are uncertain). Strong's: #8413
Timna: (masc.: תימנע / tim'na) MT: WITHHOLDING RMT: Withholding. Strong's: #8555
Timnat: (masc.: תימנת / tim'nat) MT: SOUTHWARD RMT: Southward. Strong's: #8553
Tiras: (masc.: תירס / ti'ras) MT: DESIRABLE RMT: Desirable (Meaning and origin are uncertain). Strong's: #8494
Tirtsah: (fem.: תירצה / tir'tsah) MT: you(ms)~will~ACCEPT(V) RMT: You will accept. Strong's: #8656
Togarmah: (masc.: תוגרמה / to'gar'mah) MT: you(ms)~will~GNAW(V)~her RMT: You will gnaw her. Strong's: #8425
Tola: (masc.: תולע / to'la) MT: KERMES RMT: Kermes. Strong's: #8439
Tophel: (masc.: תופל / to'phel) MT: UNSEASONED RMT: Unseasoned. Strong's: #8603
Tsalmonah: (fem.: צלמונה / tsal'mo'nah) MT: IMAGING RMT: Imaging. Strong's: #6758
Tsaphnat-Paneyahh: (masc.: צפנת-פענח / tsaph'nat pa'ney'ahh) MT: TREASURY + GLORIOUS.REST RMT: Treasury of the glorious rest. Strong's: #6847
Tsaphon: (masc.: צפון / tsa'phon) MT: NORTH RMT: North. Strong's: #6827
Tsedad: (masc.: צדד / tse'dad) MT: MOUNTAINSIDE RMT: Mountain side. Strong's: #6657
Tselaph'hhad: (masc.: צלפחד / tse'laph'hhad) MT: SHADOW + AWE RMT: Shadow of awe. Strong's: #6765
Tsemar: (masc.: צמר / tse'mar) MT: WOOL RMT: Wool. Strong's: #6786
Tsepho: (masc.: צפו / צפי / tse'pho / tse'phiy) MT: WATCHMAN~him RMT: His watchman. Strong's: #6825
Tseviim: (masc.: צביים / צבויים / tse'vi'im / tse'vo'iym ) MT: GAZELLE~s RMT: Gazelles. Strong's: #6636
Tsidon: (masc.: צידון / tsi'don) MT: HUNTING RMT: Hunting. Strong's: #6721
Tsilah: (masc.: צילה / tsi'lah) MT: SHADOW RMT: Shadow. Strong's: #6741
Tsin: (masc.: צין / tsin) MT: FLOCKS RMT: Flocks. Strong's: #6790
Tsiphyon: (fem.: ציפיון / tsiph'yon) MT: WATCHER RMT: Watcher. Strong's: #6837
Tsipor: (masc.: צפור / tsi'por) MT: BIRD RMT: Bird. Strong's: #6834
Tsiporah: (fem.: ציפורה / tsi'po'rah) MT: BIRD RMT: Bird. Strong's: #6855
Tsiv'on: (masc.: ציבעון / tsiv'on) MT: SPLASHED RMT: Splashed. Strong's: #6649
Tso'an: (masc.: צוען / tso'an) MT: REMOVED RMT: Removed. Strong's: #6814
Tso'ar: (masc.: צוער / tsu'ar) MT: TINY RMT: Tiny (Meaning "insignificant."). Strong's: #6820, #6686
Tsohhar: (masc.: צוחר / tso'hhar) MT: REDDISH.GRAY RMT: Reddish gray. Strong's: #6714
Tsophim: (masc.: צופים / tso'phim) MT: KEEP.WATCH(V)~ed(mp) RMT: Kept watch. Strong's: #6839
Tsur: (masc.: צור / tsur) MT: BOULDER RMT: Boulder. Strong's: #6701
Tsuri'eyl: (masc.: צוריאל / tsu'ri'eyl) MT: BOULDER~me + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: My boulder is the mighty one. Strong's: #6700
Tsurishaddai: (masc.: צורישדי / צורי-שדי / tsu'ri'sha'dai) MT: BOULDER~me + BREAST~s~me RMT: My boulder is my breasts (This name may also be written as "Tsur of Shaddai"). Strong's: #6701
Tumiym: (masc.: תומים / tu'mim) MT: FULL.STRENGTH~s RMT: Full strengths. Strong's: #8550
Tuval: (masc.: תובל / tu'val) MT: you(ms)~will~BRING(V) RMT: You will bring. Strong's: #8422
Tuval-Qayin: (masc.: תובל-קין / tu'val qa'yin) MT: you(ms)~will~BRING(V) + SPEARHEAD RMT: You will bring the spearhead. Strong's: #8423
Ur: (masc.: אור / ur) MT: LIGHT RMT: Light. Strong's: #0218
Uriy: (masc.: אורי / u'ri) MT: LIGHT~me RMT: My light. Strong's: #0221
Uriym: (masc.: אורים / u'rim) MT: LIGHT~s RMT: Lights. Strong's: #0224
Uts: (masc.: עוץ / uts) MT: PLAN RMT: Plan. Strong's: #5780
Uval: (masc.: עובל / u'val) MT: ROUNDED RMT: Rounded. Strong's: #5745
Uzal: (masc.: אוזל / u'zal) MT: I~will~BE.LAVISH(V)~ed(ms) RMT: I will be lavished. Strong's: #0187
Uziy'eyl: (masc.: עוזיאל / u'zi'eyl) MT: BOLDNESS~me + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: My boldness is the mighty one. Strong's: #5816
Waheyv: (masc.: והב / wa'heyv) MT: and~GIFT.OFFERING RMT: And a gift offering. Strong's: #2052
Waphsi: (masc.: ופסי / waph'si) MT: and~WRIST~me RMT: And my wrist. Strong's: #2058
Ya'aqov: (masc.: יעקוב / ya'a'qov) MT: he~will~RESTRAIN(V) RMT: He restrains. Strong's: #3290
Yaboq: (masc.: יבוק / ya'boq) MT: he~will~EMPTY.OUT(V) RMT: He will empty out. Strong's: #2999
Yagbahah: (fem.: יגבהה / yag'ba'hah) MT: he~will~BE.HIGH(V)~her RMT: He will be her highness. Strong's: #3011
Yagli: (masc.: יגלי / yag'li) MT: he~will~REMOVE.THE.COVER(V) RMT: He will remove the cover. Strong's: #3020
Yah: (masc.: יה / yah) MT: EXISTING RMT: Existing (The actual pronunciation of this name is not certain but probably "Yah."). Strong's: #3050
Yahats: (masc.: יהץ / ya'hats) MT: STAMPED.DOWN RMT: Stamped down. Strong's: #3096
Yahh'le'el: (masc.: יחלאל / yahh'le'eyl) MT: he~will~STAY(V) + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: The mighty one will stay. Strong's: #3177, #3178
Yahhtse'el: (masc.: יחצאל / yahh'tse'eyl) MT: he~will~DIVIDE(V) + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: The mighty one will divide. Strong's: #3183
Ya'ir: (masc.: יאיר / ya'ir) MT: he~will~make~LIGHT(V) RMT: He will make light. Strong's: #2971
Yakhin: (masc.: יכין / ya'khin) MT: he~will~PREPARE(V) RMT: He will prepare. Strong's: #3199
Yalam: (masc.: יעלם / ya'lam) MT: he~will~BE.OUT.OF.SIGHT(V) RMT: He will be out of sight. Strong's: #3281
Yamin: (masc.: ימין / ya'min) MT: RIGHT.HAND RMT: Right hand. Strong's: #3226
Yaphet: (masc.: יפת / ya'phat) MT: WONDER RMT: Wonder. Strong's: #3315
Yaq'shan: (masc.: יקשן / yaq'shan) MT: SNARER RMT: Snarer. Strong's: #3370
Yaqtan: (masc.: יקטן / yaq'tan) MT: he~will~BE.SMALL(V) RMT: He will be small. Strong's: #3355
Yarden: (masc.: ירדן / yar'den) MT: DESCENDER RMT: Descender. Strong's: #3383
Yared: (masc.: ירד / ya'red) MT: he~will~GO.DOWN(V) RMT: He will go down. Strong's: #3382
Yashuv: (masc.: ישוב / ya'shuv) MT: he~will~TURN.BACK(V) RMT: He will turn back. Strong's: #3437
Yatvatah: (fem.: יטבתה / yat'va'tah) MT: WELLNESS~her RMT: Her wellness. Strong's: #3193
Yaval: (masc.: יבל / ya'val) MT: WATERCOURSE RMT: Watercourse. Strong's: #2989
Yawan: (masc.: יון / ya'wan) MT: MIRE RMT: Mire (Closely related to the Hebrew word yayin meaning "wine"). Strong's: #3120
Yazeyr: (masc.: יעזר / ya'zeyr) MT: he~will~HELP(V) RMT: He will help. Strong's: #3270
Yedutun: (masc.: ידותון / ye'du'tun) MT: PRAISING RMT: Praising Strong's: #3038
Yegar-Sa'haduta: (masc.: יגר-סהדותא / ye'gar sa'ha'du'ta) MT: AFRAID + RECORD RMT: Afraid of the record. Strong's: #3026
Yehoshu'a: (masc.: יהושוע / ye'ho'shu'a) MT: EXISTING + he~will~RESCUE(V) RMT: Yah will rescue. Strong's: #3091
Yehudah: (masc.: יהודה / ye'hu'dah) MT: THANKSGIVING RMT: Thanksgiving. Strong's: #3063
Yehudit: (fem.: יהודית / ye'hu'dit) MT: THANKSGIVING RMT: Thanksgiving. Strong's: #3067
Ye'ish: (masc.: יעיש / יעוש / ye'ish / ye'ush) MT: he~will~MAKE.HASTE(V) RMT: He will hasten. Strong's: #3274
Yemu'el: (masc.: ימואל / ye'mu'eyl) MT: DAY + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: Day of the mighty one. Strong's: #3223
Yephunah: (masc.: יפונה / ye'phu'nah) MT: he~will~be~TURN(V) RMT: He will be turned. Strong's: #3312
Yerahh: (masc.: ירח / ye'rahh) MT: MOON RMT: Moon. Strong's: #3392
Ye'rey'hho: (masc.: ירחו / ye'rey'hho) MT: MOON~him RMT: His moon. Strong's: #3405
Yeshurun: (masc.: ישורון / ye'shu'run) MT: STRAIGHT.ONE RMT: Straight one. Strong's: #3484
Yeter: (masc.: יתר / yeter) MT: REMAINDER RMT: Remainder. Strong's: #3500
Yetet: (masc.: יתת / ye'tet) MT: NAIL RMT: Nail. Strong's: #3509
Yetser: (masc.: יצר / ye'tser) MT: THOUGHT RMT: Thought. Strong's: #3337
Yetur: (masc.: יטור / ye'tur) MT: he~will~ROW(V) RMT: He will row. Strong's: #3195
Yevus: (masc.: יבוס / ye'vus) MT: he~will~TRAMPLE.DOWN(V) RMT: He will trample down. Strong's: #2982, #2983
YHWH: (masc.: יהוה / yhwh) MT: he~will~BE(V) RMT: He will be (or YHWH. The actual pronunciation of this name is not certain). Strong's: #3068
YHWH-Nisiy: (masc.: יהוה-ניסי / yhwh ni'si) MT: he~will~BE(V) + STANDARD~me RMT: YHWH is my standard. Strong's: #3071
YHWH-Yireh: (masc.: יהוה-יראה / yhwh yi'reh) MT: he~will~BE(V) + he~will~SEE(V) RMT: YHWH will see. Strong's: #3070
Yidlap: (masc.: ידלף / yid'lap) MT: he~will~DRIP(V) RMT: He will drip. Strong's: #3044
Yigal: (masc.: יגאל / yig'al) MT: he~will~REDEEM(V) RMT: He will redeem. Strong's: #3008
Yimnah: (masc.: ימנה / yim'nah) MT: he~will~RECKON(V) RMT: He will reckon. Strong's: #3232
Yish'baq: (masc.: ישבק / yish'baq) MT: he~will~BE.LET.ALONE(V) RMT: He will be let alone. Strong's: #3435
Yishma'el: (masc.: ישמעאל / yish'ma'eyl) MT: he~will~HEAR(V) + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: The mighty one will hear. Strong's: #3458
Yishwah: (masc.: ישוה / yish'wah) MT: he~will~EQUATE(V) RMT: He will equate (or "He will resemble"). Strong's: #3438
Yishwiy: (masc.: ישוי / yish'wi) MT: he~will~EQUATE(V)~me RMT: He will equate me (or "He will resemble me"). Strong's: #3440, #3441
Yiskah: (fem.: יסכה / yis'kah) MT: he~will~LOOK.FORTH RMT: He will look forth. Strong's: #3252
Yisra'eyl: (masc.: יסראל / yis'ra'eyl) MT: he~will~TURN.ASIDE(V) + MIGHTY.ONE RMT: He turns the mighty one aside. Strong's: #3478
Yis'sas'khar: (masc.: יססכר / yeysh'sa'khar) MT: THERE.IS + WAGE RMT: There is a wage. Strong's: #3485
Yitran: (masc.: יתרן / yit'ran) MT: RESERVER RMT: Reserver. Strong's: #3506
Yitro: (masc.: יתרו / yit'ro) MT: REMAINDER~him RMT: His remainder. Strong's: #3503
Yits'har: (masc.: יצהר / yits'har) MT: he~will~PRESS.OUT.OIL(V) RMT: He presses out oil. Strong's: #3324
Yits'hhaq: (masc.: יצחק / yits'hhaq) MT: he~will~LAUGH(V) RMT: He laughs. Strong's: #3327
Yokheved: (fem.: יוכבד / yo'khe'ved) MT: EXISTING + HEAVY RMT: Yah is heavy. Strong's: #3115
Yoseph: (masc.: יוסף / yo'seph) MT: ADD(V)~ing(ms) RMT: Adding. Strong's: #3130
Yov: (masc.: יוב / yov) MT: HOWLING RMT: Howling. Strong's: #3102
Yovav: (masc.: יובב / yo'vav) MT: HOWL(V)~ing(ms) RMT: Howling. Strong's: #3103
Yuval: (masc.: יובל / yu'val) MT: CREEK RMT: Creek. Strong's: #3106
Za'awan: (masc.: זעון / za'a'wan) MT: TROUBLED RMT: Troubled. Strong's: #2190
Zakur: (masc.: זכור / za'kur) MT: REMEMBER(V)~ed(ms) RMT: Remembered. Strong's: #2139
Zamzum: (masc.: זמזום / zam'zum) MT: MISCHIEVOUS RMT: Mischievous. Strong's: #2157
Zerahh: (masc.: זרח / ze'rahh) MT: RISING.SUN RMT: Rising sun. Strong's: #2226, #2227
Zered: (masc.: זרד / ze'red) MT: EXUBERANT RMT: Exuberant. Strong's: #2218
Zevulun: (masc.: זבולון / ze'vu'lun) MT: RESIDENT RMT: Resident. Strong's: #2074
Zikh'riy: (masc.: זיכרי / zikh'ri) MT: MEMORY~me RMT: My memorial. Strong's: #2147
Zilpah: (fem.: זילפה / zil'pah) MT: TRICKLING RMT: Trickling. Strong's: #2153
Zimran: (masc.: זימרן / zim'ran) MT: MUSICIAN RMT: Musician. Strong's: #2175
Zimri: (masc.: זימרי / zim'ri) MT: SINGER~me RMT: My singer. Strong's: #2174
Ziphron: (masc.: זיפרון / ziph'ron) MT: FRAGRANT.ONE RMT: Fragrant one. Strong's: #2202
Zuz: (masc.: זוז / zuz) MT: ENTRYWAY RMT: Entryway. Strong's: #2104